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/ 17 Bit Software 6: Level 6 / 17 Bit - Level 6 (1998)(Epic Marketing)[!].iso / quartz / q0498.dms / q0498.adf / Parameter List < prev    next >
Text File  |  1992-05-30  |  31KB  |  463 lines

  1. Lockpick v1.0 w/PCL (Parameter List 3/31/92)
  3. Program Name                             Protection Type 
  4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. -DosCopy-                                [AmigaDOS Standard Dos Copier]
  7. -NibbleCopy1-                            [Index <-> Index Nibbler]
  8. -NibbleCopy2-                            [$4489 Sync Nibbler]
  9. 3-Demon                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  10. 4-D Sports Boxing                        [Removes Password Protection]
  11. 4-D Sports Driving                       [Removes Password Protection]
  12. 4th & Inches                             [Removes Disk Protection]
  13. 4x4 Off Road Racing                      [Removes Disk Protection]
  14. 688 Attack Sub                           [Removes Password Protection]
  15. A-Drum                                   [Removes Password Protection]
  16. ABC Wide World Boxing                    [Removes Password Protection]
  17. Action Fighter                           [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  18. Adventure Construction Set               [Removes Disk Protection]
  19. Afterburner [Rev - 1]              [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  20. Afterburner [Rev - 2]              [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  21. Airball                                  [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  22. Alien Syndrome                           [Removes Disk Protection]
  23. Altered Beast                            [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  24. Altered Destiny                          [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  25. Alternate Reality                        [Removes Disk Protection]
  26. Amnios                                   [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  27. Aquablast                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  28. Aquanaut                                 [Removes Password Protection]
  29. Arachnophobia                            [Removes Password Protection]
  30. Archipelagos                             [Duplicates & Removes Password]
  31. Archon 2                                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  32. Armour-Geddon                            [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  33. Atomino                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  34. Autoduel                                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  35. Axe of Rage                              [Removes Disk Protection]
  36. Bad Company                              [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  37. Bad Dudes                                [Removes Disk Protection]
  38. Balance of Power                         [Removes Password Protection]
  39. Balance of Power-1990 Edition            [Removes Password Protection]
  40. Ballistix                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  41. Bar Games                                [Removes Password Protection]
  42. Barbarian                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  43. Barbarian II                             [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  44. Bard's Tale                              [Removes Disk Protection]
  45. Bard's Tale III                          [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  46. Batman                                   [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  47. Batman-The Movie                         [Removes Disk Protection]
  48. Battle Chess                             [Removes Password Protection]
  49. Battle Chess II                          [Removes Password Protection]
  50. Battle Command                           [Removes Password Protection]
  51. Battle of Britain                        [Removes Password Protection]
  52. Battle Squadron                          [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  53. Battlehawks 1942                         [Removes Password Protection]
  54. Battlestorm                              [Removes Disk Protection]
  55. Battletech                               [Removes Password Protection]
  56. Beach Volley                             [Removes Disk Protection]
  57. Beyond Dark Castle                       [Duplicates & Removes Password]
  58. Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge           [Removes Password Protection]
  59. Birds of Prey                            [Removes Password Protection]
  60. Black Lamp                               [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  61. Blitzkreig in the Ardennes               [Removes Password Protection]
  62. Blockout                                 [Removes Password Protection]
  63. Blood Money                              [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  64. Bloodwych                                [Removes Disk Protection]
  65. Blue Angels                              [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  66. Borrowed Time                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  67. Breach                                   [Removes Password Protection]
  68. Breach 2                                 [Removes Password Protection]
  69. Bubble Bobble                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  70. Bubble Ghost                             [Removes Disk Protection]
  71. Buck Rogers XXV                          [Install First - Removes Password]
  72. Budokan                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  73. Buggy Boy                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  74. Capone                                   [Removes Disk Protection]
  75. Captain Blood                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  76. Captain Fizz                             [Removes Disk Protection]
  77. Captive                                  [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  78. Cardinal of the Kremlin                  [Removes Password Protection]
  79. Carmen SanDiego, Europe                  [Removes Disk Protection]
  80. Carmen SanDiego, Time                    [Removes Password Protection]
  81. Carmen SanDiego, USA                     [Removes Disk Protection]
  82. Carmen SanDiego, World [July 12,1989]    [Removes Disk Protection]
  83. Carrier Command                          [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  84. Castles                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  85. Centerfold Squares                       [Removes Disk Protection]
  86. Centurion                                [Removes Password Protection]
  87. Chamber Sci-Mutant Priestess             [Removes Disk Protection]
  88. Champions of Krynn                       [Removes Password Protection]
  89. Championship Baseball                    [Removes Disk Protection]
  90. Chaos Strikes Back                       [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  91. Chessmaster 2000                         [Removes Disk Protection]
  92. Chuck Yeager's AFT v2.0                  [Removes Password Protection]
  93. Classic Board Games                      [Removes Password Protection]
  94. Clown-O-Mania                            [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  95. Colonel's Bequest                        [Removes Password Protection]
  96. Colony                                   [Removes Password Protection]
  97. Conflict in the Middle East              [Removes Password Protection]
  98. Crime Does Not Pay                       [Removes Disk Protection]
  99. Curse of the Azure Bonds                 [Removes Password Protection]
  100. Cybercon III                             [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  101. Cycles                                   [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  102. Dark Castle [Rev - 1]                    [Removes Disk Protection]
  103. Dark Castle [Rev - 2]                    [Removes Disk Protection]
  104. Day of the Viper                         [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  105. Deathsword                               [Removes Disk Protection]
  106. Deep Space                               [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  107. Defender of the Crown                    [Removes Disk Protection]
  108. Deja Vu                                  [Removes Disk Protection]
  109. Deja Vu 2                                [Removes Disk Protection]
  110. DeluxePaint II                           [Removes Disk Protection]
  111. Demon's Winter                           [Removes Password Protection]
  112. Design 3-D                               [Removes Password Protection]
  113. Destroyer                                [Removes Disk Protection]
  114. Dick Tracy                               [Removes Password Protection]
  115. Digi-Paint                               [Removes Password Protection]
  116. Dino Wars                                [Removes Password Protection]
  117. Disney Animation Studio                  [Removes Password Protection]
  118. DM's Assistant-Volume 1                  [Removes Password Protection]
  119. DM's Assistant-Volume 2                  [Removes Password Protection]
  120. Double Dragon II                         [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  121. Double Dribble                           [Removes Password Protection]
  122. Dragon Force                             [Removes Password Protection]
  123. Dragon Strike                            [Removes Password Protection]
  124. Dragon's Lair-Singe's Castle             [Removes Password Protection]
  125. Dragons of Flame                         [Removes Password Protection]
  126. Drakkhen                                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  127. Druid 2                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  128. Duck Tales                               [Removes Password Protection]
  129. Dungeon Master v2.2                      [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  130. Dyna CADD 2.0                            [Removes Dongle Protection]
  131. Earl Weaver Baseball                     [Removes Disk Protection]
  132. Ebonstar                                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  133. Elf                                      [Removes Password Protection]
  134. Elite                                    [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  135. Elvira II                                [Removes Password Protection]
  136. Emanuelle                                [Removes Password Protection]
  137. Emerald Mine 2                           [Removes Disk Protection]
  138. Empire                                   [Removes Password Protection]
  139. Evil Garden                              [Removes Password Protection]
  140. Eye of Horus                             [Duplicates & Removes Password]
  141. Eye of the Beholder                      [Removes Password Protection]
  142. F-15 Strike Eagle II                     [Removes Password Protection]
  143. F-16 Combat Pilot [Rev - 1]              [Removes Disk & Password Protection]
  144. F-16 Combat Pilot [Rev - 2]              [Removes Disk & Password Protection]
  145. F-29 Retaliator                          [Removes Disk Protection]
  146. FA-18 Interceptor                        [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  147. Faces                                    [Removes Password Protection]
  148. Faery Tale                               [Removes Password Protection]
  149. Falcon v1.0                              [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  150. Falcon v1.1                              [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  151. Falcon v1.2                              [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  152. Falcon-Operation Counterstrike           [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  153. Falcon-Operation Firefight               [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  154. Fast Break                               [Removes Disk Protection]
  155. Fat Tracks                               [Removes Disk Protection]
  156. Federation                               [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  157. Ferrari Formula One                      [Removes Disk Protection]
  158. Fiendish Freddy's Big Top                [Removes Password Protection]
  159. Fighter Bomber                           [Removes Password Protection]
  160. Fighter Duel                             [Removes Password Protection]
  161. Final Assault                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  162. Flames of Freedom                        [Removes Password Protection]
  163. Flight of the Intruder                   [Removes Password Protection]
  164. Fool's Errand                            [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  165. Footman                     [Removes Disk Protection]
  166. Foundation Waste                         [Removes Disk Protection]
  167. Fright Night                             [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  168. Full Metal Planet                        [Removes Password Protection]
  169. Future Wars                              [Removes Password Protection]
  170. Gateway to the Savage Frontier           [Removes Password Protection]
  171. Gazza Soccer                             [Removes Disk Protection]
  172. Gin & Cribbage King                      [Removes Password Protection]
  173. Godfather                                [Removes Password Protection]
  174. Gold Runner                              [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  175. Goldrush                 [Removes Password Protection]
  176. Grand Slam Tennis                        [Removes Password Protection]
  177. Great Courts 2                           [Removes Password Protection]
  178. Greens                                   [Removes Password Protection]
  179. Grid Iron                                [Removes Password Protection]
  180. Gunboat                                  [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  181. Gunship [Rev - 1]                        [Removes Disk Protection]
  182. Gunship [Rev - 2]                        [Removes Disk & Password Protection]
  183. Hard Nova                                [Removes Password Protection]
  184. Hardball 2                               [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  185. Hare Raising Havoc [Hard Drive Only]     [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  186. Harrier Combat Pilot                     [Removes Disk Protection]
  187. Heroes of the Lance                      [Removes Password Protection]
  188. Hillsfar                                 [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  189. Hockey League Simulator                  [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  190. Hollywood Poker                          [Removes Disk Protection]
  191. Hostage                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  192. Hot Licks                                [Removes Password Protection]
  193. Hound of the Shadow                      [Removes Password Protection]
  194. Hoverforce                               [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  195. Human Killing Machine                    [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  196. Imperium                                 [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  197. Impossible Mission 2                     [Removes Disk Protection]
  198. In Search for the King                   [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  199. Indianapolis 500                         [Removes Password Protection]
  200. Indoor Sports                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  201. Insanity Flight                          [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  202. Instant Music                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  203. International Soccer                     [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  204. Into the Eagle's Nest                    [Removes Disk Protection]
  205. Ishido                                   [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  206. Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18               [Removes Password Protection]
  207. Jack Nicklaus' Unltd. Course             [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  208. Jack Nicklaus' Unltd. Golf               [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  209. Jetsons                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  210. Jigsaw!                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  211. Jinks                                    [Removes Disk Protection]
  212. Joan of Arc                              [Removes Password Protection]
  213. John Dowell's Darts                      [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  214. Jug                                      [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  215. Karate Kid II                            [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  216. Karting Grand Prix                       [Removes Disk Protection]
  217. Keef the Thief                           [Removes Password Protection]
  218. Kennedy Approach                         [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  219. Keyboard Cadet                           [Removes Disk Protection]
  220. King of Chicago                          [Removes Disk Protection]
  221. King's Quest II                          [Removes Disk Protection]
  222. King's Quest III                         [Removes Disk Protection]
  223. Knights of the Sky                       [Removes Password Protection]
  224. Kult                                     [Removes Disk Protection]
  225. Leatherneck                              [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  226. Leisure Suit Larry                       [Removes Disk Protection]
  227. Loom                                     [Removes Password Protection]
  228. Lord of the Rising Sun                   [Removes Disk Protection]
  229. Lost Dutchman Mine                       [Removes Password Protection]
  230. M-1 Tank Platoon                         [Removes Password Protection]
  231. Manchester United                        [Removes Disk Protection]
  232. Maniac Mansion                           [Removes Password Protection]
  233. Marble Madness                           [Removes Disk Protection]
  234. Matrix Marauders                         [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  235. Maverick                                 [Removes Password Protection]
  236. Mavis Beacon Typing                      [Removes Disk Protection]
  237. Mean Streets                             [Removes Password Protection]
  238. Medieval Warriors                        [Removes Password Protection]
  239. Mega Traveller                           [Removes Password Protection]
  240. Menace                                   [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  241. Mi Outline v1.0                          [Removes Password Protection]
  242. Microleague Baseball                     [Removes Password Protection]
  243. Microleague WWF Wrestling                [Removes Password Protection]
  244. Midwinter                                [Duplicates & Removes Password]
  245. Might & Magic II                         [Removes Password Protection]
  246. Might & Magic III                        [Install First - Removes Password]
  247. Monday Night Football                    [Removes Password Protection]
  248. Monty Python's Flying Circus             [Removes Password Protection]
  249. Murder                                   [Removes Password Protection]
  250. Netherworld                              [Removes Disk Protection]
  251. Neuromancer                              [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  252. Nevermind                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  253. New Zealand Story                        [Removes Disk Protection]
  254. Night Shift                              [Removes Password Protection]
  255. Nightdawn                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  256. North & South                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  257. Nuclear War                              [Removes Disk Protection]
  258. Obliterator                              [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  259. Ogre                                     [Removes Disk Protection]
  260. Omni-Play Basketball                     [Removes Password Protection]
  261. Omni-Play Horse Racing                   [Removes Password Protection]
  262. Operation Com·Bat                        [Removes Password Protection]
  263. Operation Wolf                           [Removes Disk Protection]
  264. Out of this World                        [Removes Password Protection]
  265. Outrun                                   [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  266. Overrun                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  267. Pagesetter                               [Removes Password Protection]
  268. Paladin                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  269. Paperboy                                 [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  270. Passing Shot                             [Removes Disk Protection]
  271. Perfect General                          [Removes Password Protection]
  272. Perfect Score SAT                        [Removes Disk Protection]
  273. Persian Gulf Inferno                     [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  274. PGA Tour Golf                            [Removes Password Protection]
  275. Pirates                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  276. Plague                                   [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  277. Police Quest 2                           [Removes Password Protection]
  278. Pool of Radiance                         [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  279. Pools of Darkness                        [Removes Password Protection]
  280. Populous                                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  281. Populous II                              [Removes Password Protection]
  282. Portal                                   [Removes Disk Protection]
  283. Ports of Call                            [Removes Password Protection]
  284. POW                                      [Removes Disk Protection]
  285. Power Pinball                            [Removes Password Protection]
  286. PowerMonger                              [Removes Password Protection]
  287. PowerMonger-WWI Data Disk [Stand Alone]  [Removes Password Protection]
  288. Powerstyx                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  289. Predator 2                               [Duplicates & Removes Password]
  290. Pro Soccer                               [Removes Disk Protection]
  291. Pro Tennis Tour                          [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  292. Pro Tennis Tour 2                        [Removes Password Protection]
  293. Professional Lottery System              [Removes Disk Protection]
  294. Project Neptune                          [Removes Disk Protection]
  295. Psyborg                                  [Removes Disk Protection]
  296. Puffy's Saga                             [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  297. Purple Saturn Day                        [Removes Disk Protection]
  298. Qix                                      [Removes Disk Protection]
  299. Quadralien                               [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  300. Questron II                              [Removes Password Protection]
  301. Quicksilver Pinball                      [Removes Password Protection]
  302. Racter                                   [Removes Disk Protection]
  303. Railroad Tycoon                          [Removes Password Protection]
  304. Rambo III                                [Removes Disk Protection]
  305. Rampage                                  [Removes Disk Protection]
  306. Realm of the Warlock                     [Removes Password Protection]
  307. Red Lightning                            [Removes Password Protection]
  308. Red Storm Rising                         [Removes Password Protection]
  309. Renegade                                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  310. Renegade Legion Interceptor              [Removes Password Protection]
  311. Return to Atlantis                       [Removes Disk Protection]
  312. Rick Dangerous                           [Removes Disk Protection]
  313. Road Raider                              [Removes Disk Protection]
  314. Robocop                                  [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  315. Robocop 2                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  316. Rogue                                    [Removes Disk Protection]
  317. Running Man                              [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  318. RVF Honda                                [Removes Disk & Password Protection]
  319. S.D.I.                                   [Removes Disk Protection]
  320. Savage                                   [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  321. Sculpt Animate 3-D XL                    [Removes Password Protection]
  322. Sculpt Animate 4-D 68000                 [Removes Password Protection]
  323. Sculpt Animate 4-D 68020                 [Removes Password Protection]
  324. Second Front                             [Removes Password Protection]
  325. Secret of Monkey Island                  [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  326. Secret of the Silver Blades              [Removes Password Protection]
  327. Sequencer One                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  328. Sex Vixens                               [Removes Password Protection]
  329. Sextimates                               [Removes Password Protection]
  330. Shadowgate                               [Removes Disk Protection]
  331. Shanghai                                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  332. Shinobi                                  [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  333. Shufflepuck Cafe                         [Removes Disk Protection]
  334. Sidearms                                 [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  335. Sideshow                                 [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  336. Silent Service                           [Removes Disk & Password Protection]
  337. Silent Service 2                         [Removes Password Protection]
  338. Sim City v1.0                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  339. Sim City v1.1                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  340. Sim City v1.2 [1 Meg Version]            [Removes Password Protection]
  341. Sim City v1.2 [512K Version]             [Removes Password Protection]
  342. Sim City v1.2 [Graphics Set 1]           [Install First - Removes Password]
  343. Sim City v1.2 [Graphics Set 2]           [Install First - Removes Password]
  344. Sinbad                                   [Removes Disk Protection]
  345. Ski or Die                               [Removes Password Protection]
  346. Slaygon                                  [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  347. Sleeping Gods Lie                        [Removes Disk Protection]
  348. Space Cutter                             [Removes Password Protection]
  349. Space Harrier                            [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  350. Space Rogue                              [Removes Password Protection]
  351. Spacewrecked                             [Removes Password Protection]
  352. Speedball                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  353. Speedball 2                              [Removes Password Protection]
  354. Spellbound                               [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  355. Spider-Man                               [Removes Password Protection]
  356. Spirit of Excalibur                      [Removes Password Protection]
  357. Star Command                             [Removes Password Protection]
  358. Star Control                             [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  359. Starfleet I                              [Removes Password Protection]
  360. Starflight                               [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  361. Starflight 2                             [Removes Password Protection]
  362. Stellar Crusade                          [Removes Password Protection]
  363. Stratego                                 [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  364. Street Rod 2                             [Removes Password Protection]
  365. Street Sports Basketball                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  366. Strike Aces                              [Removes Code Wheel Protection]
  367. Strikefleet                              [Removes Password Protection]
  368. Stryx                                    [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  369. Super C                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  370. Super Hang-On                            [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  371. Super Off-Road                           [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  372. Superbase Personal 2                     [Removes Dongle Protection]
  373. Superman                                 [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  374. Superstar Ice Hockey                     [Removes Password Protection]
  375. Surgeon                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  376. Sword of Aragon                          [Removes Password Protection]
  377. Tanglewood                               [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  378. Targhan                                  [Removes Disk Protection]
  379. Targis                                   [Removes Password Protection]
  380. Team Suzuki                              [Duplicates & Removes Password]
  381. Team Yankee                              [Removes Password Protection]
  382. Technocop                                [Removes Disk Protection]
  383. Tele-Epic                                [Removes Password Protection]
  384. Temple of Apshai Trilogy                 [Removes Disk Protection]
  385. Terrorpods                               [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  386. Test Drive 2                             [Removes Disk Protection]
  387. Test Drive [Rev - 1]                     [Removes Disk Protection]
  388. Test Drive [Rev - 2]                     [Removes Disk Protection]
  389. Tetris                                   [Removes Disk Protection]
  390. The Pawn                                 [Removes Password Protection]
  391. The President is Missing                 [Removes Password Protection]
  392. Thexder                                  [Removes Disk Protection]
  393. Third Courier                            [Removes Password Protection]
  394. Third Reich                              [Removes Password Protection]
  395. Three Stooges                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  396. Thunderblade                             [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  397. Thunderhawk                              [Duplicates & Removes Password]
  398. Thunderstrike                            [Removes Password Protection]
  399. Time Bandit                              [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  400. Tom & Jerry                              [Removes Disk Protection]
  401. Tower Toppler                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  402. Triango                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  403. Trump Castle                             [Removes Password Protection]
  404. Trump Castle II                          [Removes Password Protection]
  405. Turtle Table Tennis                      [Removes Disk Protection]
  406. TV Sports Boxing                         [Removes Password Protection]
  407. TV Sports Football                       [Removes Disk Protection]
  408. Ultima III                               [Removes Disk Protection]
  409. UMS                                      [Removes Password Protection]
  410. Universe 3                               [Removes Password Protection]
  411. Vampire's Empire                         [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  412. Vaxine                                   [Removes Password Protection]
  413. Vegas Gambler                            [Removes Password Protection]
  414. Vengeance Of Excalibur                   [Removes Password Protection]
  415. Vigilante                                [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  416. Virus                                    [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  417. Volfied                                  [Removes Password Protection]
  418. Voyager                                  [Removes Disk Protection]
  419. Vyper                                    [Removes Disk Protection]
  420. Wargame Construction Set                 [Removes Password Protection]
  421. Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2                   [Removes Password Protection]
  422. Wayne Gretzky Hockey [Rev - 1]           [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  423. Wayne Gretzky Hockey [Rev - 2]           [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  424. Welltris                                 [Removes Password Protection]
  425. Western Games                            [Removes Disk Protection]
  426. Whirligig                                [Removes Password Protection]
  427. Who Framed Roger Rabbit                  [Removes Password Protection]
  428. William Tell                             [Removes Disk Protection]
  429. Wings                                    [Removes Password Protection]
  430. Wings of Fury                            [Removes Password Protection]
  431. Wizardry-Bane of Cosmic Forge            [Removes Password Protection]
  432. Wizball                                  [Removes Disk Protection]
  433. Wolfpack                                 [Removes Password Protection]
  434. World Class Soccer                       [Removes Disk Protection]
  435. World Games                              [Removes Disk Protection]
  436. X-CAD 3D                                 [Removes Dongle Protection]
  437. Zak McKracken                            [Removes Password Protection]
  438. Zany Golf                                [Removes Disk Protection]
  439. Zone Warrior                             [Removes Password Protection]
  440. Zoom                                     [Duplicates Disk Protection]
  442. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  444.                                   N O T E S 
  446. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  448. Colony:                      Just click on the 'E'-Enter key to pass all of
  449.                              the door security codes.
  451. Cybercon III:                At the security door protection check type 'AAA'
  452.                              and press your fire button.
  454. Hare Raising Havoc:          To Execute this parameter the program must be
  455.                              installed in the Directory DH0:Roger on the hard
  456.                              disk first.
  458. Wizardry-Bane Cosmic Forge:  You MUST type something at the password prompt
  459.                              or your characters will never hit any opponents
  460.                              in combat.
  462. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------